Here are some of the most popular and unique garden design ideas. Gardeners can use them to make the garden look wonderful and attractive, and also to add style to the landscape.
1.The Rose Walk
If you have enough space in your garden then constructing a chain of three to five arches of uneven-cut cedar, and planting the climbing roses at each foundation is the good idea to make garden look attractive. The path surrounded by them, could be grassy, flagstone, or pea gravel. If you like, you can also use thyme or chamomile as a path.
2.A Florid Patio
Another great idea is to place the big square stones close together giving a little space between them and utilize the open areas for planting creepers, herbs, and other low-growing plants. Violets and pinks thyme looks perfect here. A florid patio is best for small gardens.
3.The Chamomile Lawn
Chamomiles are beautiful and scented plants that give their strong scent when walked over. Therefore, making a chamomile lawn or chamomile path is a wonderful idea for designing a garden.
4.The Laburnum Walk
Planting the yellow hanging flowers or laburnum on the sides of walkways is a great idea. It adds romance to the garden as these flowers make the tunnel affect of a traditional laburnum walk. If you do not want to plant laburnum then you can go for easy-to-grow vine plants.
5.Morning Glory for Quick Coverage
Annual vines, such as morning glory, not only give colorful flowers but also make a quick coverage over an unattractive wall, shed, or fence. You just need to twine a wire upright from the top to the base, and sow the plant seeds just a few inches away from the base of the wire. This plant is very fast growing and gives splendid flowers in the mid-summer.
6.A Rock Garden on the Flat
Generally, rock gardens are made on hillsides to keep the soil in place. The low-growing alpine plants grow well in the spaces of a rock garden.
However, you can also make a rock garden on a flat surface. The plants in it grow vertical and the attractive stones are more visible. Also, weeding and cultivating become easier if stone pathways are made between the beds.
7. A Topiary
Topiary surely adds interest, innovation, and formality to a garden. You can spruce and prepare at least one evergreen into topiary. A lot of informative books are available in stationery shops about the different ways to do this. A garden gate having smaller topiary in iron or cement pots at each side of it provides a graceful welcome.
8.Runner Beans and Sunflowers
Runner beans and sunflowers can be grown side by side. The strong stems of the sunflower provide a support to the beans and both the plants grow up collectively. This idea creates a great interest to the vegetable garden.