You will first have to decide which type of bouquet you want in your home. Mostly flowers with bright and vibrant colors are preferred for this purpose but if you want to give a romantic and soft feeling, you will require growing tiny and delicate flowers. For floral arrangements, flowers of different colors and sizes are required to be grown. Grow flowers having long and strong stalks which can stand up in a vase. Annual flowers should be selected which are labeled as cut flowers. These flowers provide you with a prolonged blooming period as they re-bloom after initial blooms are withered. Some perennials can also be used for bouquets but they bloom only once and fade away for the rest of year. Here are some flowers which you can grow for making bouquets:
Zinnias are delightful and lovely flowers which come in different colors including red, pink, orange and yellow. They have daisy like blooms making them perfect to be used as cut flowers for bouquets. Zinnias should be planted in a sunny location receiving 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day. After sowing seeds, cover them lightly with soil and water. Soil should be kept moist until seeds begin to germinate within seven to ten days.
You can also choose sunflowers. These renowned and beautiful flowers also come in different sizes ranging from miniature to towering plants. Sunflowers are generally expected to produce yellow blooms but now the color range has extended to red and burgundy. I will suggest you growing giant sunflowers at a location where they can receive sunlight for majority of day. Seeds should be planted to a depth of ½ inch and covered with soil. You will require keeping soil damp until plant emerges.
What about Shasta daisies? They produce beautiful white flowers with yellow centers. They are commonly used for making bouquets because they can be easily paired with any other flower. To grow Shasta daisies, spread seeds in a sunny location and cover with soil keeping soil damp until seedlings germinate.